Home Forums Business and Legal games law lectures

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #8756
      Aphra K

      Might be of interest to come legal folks…was sent around an academic list I am on.


      ‘Jon Festinger Q.C. would like to let the community know that most of the materials including slides and HD videos of lectures for his University of British Columbia Faculty of Law course in Video Game Law (Law450A) are available on-line at http://blogs.ubc.ca/videogamelaw/ .

      The site is open and has a Creative Commons license. Anyone in the community can respond to posts and Jon would encourage them to join into any of the course discussions – only asking that they identify themselves and their academic affiliation when doing so. Jon wants in particular to thank to the UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning & Technology, the UBC Faculty of Law and The Centre for Digital Media for making the resources available so the course materials can become available in this way.’

    • #50224

      Thanks for the link, always find the legal side of things is the most intimidating. There’s a perceived (and quite possibly very real) cost attached to legal advice that has made us very reluctant to hunt it out, preferring a DIY approach. Unfortunately DIY only gets you so far, but I’m sure these lectures will let us push it a bit further. :)

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