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    • #8346
    • #48018

      Just want to say those illustrations are amazing! Jesus I wish I could draw. :D

    • #48019

      Beautiful work Basil, you have a talent for that. As far as developing your 3D skills goes, I can’t recommend the Gnomon Workshop and 3D Buzz tuts highly enough. Gnomon are especially good at teaching ZBrush.

    • #48021

      Hey, thanks a million guys!

      RedXIV, it just takes practice! Unfortunately many of the books and tutorials are not designed to give a full step by step help, so you have to go off and get your own Photoshop/basic art training, which can be annoying as you can get sidetracked easily.

      The imagineFX magazines are OK, but their books are really good.

      Richard, I’ve got a few focalpoint books on Zbrush and some Gnomon Zbrush DVDs, I’ll look through them alright!

    • #48022

      Hi Basil,

      Nice work dude. Im also trying to get to know a few artists here on game dev. Really wanna get into something by the time college is over in april. Im doing some stuff for someone here already and its just to get as much work done as possible for portfolio purposes. Anyway heres a link to my current portfolio if anyone cares to see it.

      As i said trying to network with other artists so we can get a meeting together anytime in the future. It would be good for us.

      Thanks and be good!


    • #48071

      I’m trying to build my 3D modelling experience for now while keeping up the illustration work – still a long way to go as I’ve only been at it for a year-ish. Would love to meet / chat with any other 3D/2D artists or illustrators to swap notes etc.[/quote:c9dfd43e48]

      Feel free to post up some of your 3D modeling and I can help/chat =) I’m guessing your looking to do 3D characters?

    • #48074
      Aphra K

      in moderator mode….well perhaps don’t post up all your art work here…..post one/two and then link to your own site/portfolio…

      thanks for your understanding


    • #48079

      Thanks for the nice words guys!

      Darthwilson, yep trying to learn high-poly modelling especially but I’m trying to get a handle on the whole process as well. Would really appreciate it! Right now I’ve very little 3D stuff to show that I haven’t binned straight away – focusing mostly on getting the 2D stuff right first!

      aphra, don’t worry, I’ll keep the images to a minimum :D

    • #48081

      For high poly modeling within game characters I recommend Zbrush like it was mentioned earlier in the thread.

      Here is the best resource to get you started (in my opinion)


      Scott shows how to make a character from "Zspheres" so you don’t necessary need to start your pipeline in something like Max, maya or softimage.

      He goes from the base mesh right to a game mesh which is pretty good

    • #48122

      Didn’t see the reply to this post till today, sorry!

      That looks like a good book, I’ve got Zbrush Studio Projects "Realistic Game Characters" by Sybex/Kingslien which is pretty good too, and a few 3DS Max books.

      ZSpheres are really really cool, I need to get the hang of them, I often end up with areas in the mesh that are overly pinched where the spheres meet.

      When some money frees up I think I’ll treat myself to that book you linked to. Thanks!

    • #48431

      Didn’t see the reply to this post till today, sorry!

      That looks like a good book, I’ve got Zbrush Studio Projects "Realistic Game Characters" by Sybex/Kingslien which is pretty good too, and a few 3DS Max books.

      ZSpheres are really really cool, I need to get the hang of them, I often end up with areas in the mesh that are overly pinched where the spheres meet.

      When some money frees up I think I’ll treat myself to that book you linked to. Thanks![/quote:b2e8e12d84]
      Anything about wordpress templates?

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