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    • #7135
    • #43390

      Nice work. Always nice when you get towards the end of a game and the pr etc gets going. Even sweeter when its your first one.Hope it sells well. You’ll get a right buzz when ya see it in stores and people buying it ;)

    • #43566

      Another decent preview in Gamespot just before the weekend.


      Some newer screenshots here too, I’ve been working on the match day GUI for pretty much five months now. Its getting there slowly but surely!


    • #43567

      We’re in(and have been since Christmas) crunch time at BGS[/quote:2e376e887d]

    • #43574

      Nice. Ye use scaleform for ye’re UI? or is it all custom.

    • #43576


      Just a story for you (and the rest of your team knee deep in the trenches of crunch…)

      I have a few mates, who are real (REAL) "sports-heads" who love doing "stuff."

      Golfing, swimming, cricket (of all things), football, baseball, rugby, pretty much anything that involves running around and competing.

      They’re by no means fitness fanatics, as they’ll throw the brews as soon as a winner/loser is declared (and argued over)…

      They have (for years) scoffed at my video game playing. Its not that I don’t play sports, (as I do – a lot), but I also enjoy my video games.

      Their girlfriends let me in on a secret a few years back that they are in fact, all "closet gamers."

      Their only game of choice? Championship Manager.

      When a new one comes out, they throw their computer/laptops out, buy the best possible spec for the sole purpose of playing championship manager, winning everything, and then going back to their everyday lives.

      And by all accounts, they are sitting like strung-out junkies waiting for their latest fix.

      Just something I figured you and your team would like to hear…


    • #43578

      Nice. Ye use scaleform for ye’re UI? or is it all custom.[/quote:f63c01a7b4]

      Pretty much all custom. The UI has come a long way since I’ve started but still have plenty to do, there’s so many screens with mad edge cases(some cup in Peru has some crazy competition table or the like). I’d imagine that being a GUI programmer here is a lot different to other games companies as the entire game is driven by UI whereby some other games only use less complex UI in menus and the like.

      @jediboy – Always nice to hear that people are waiting on your game, I think that FM and Champ Man are games that have a large devoted following that aren’t necessarily hard-core gamers which I think is great. In fact I wouldn’t consider myself to be a hard-core gamer at all but have always bought every version of FM/Champ Man when they come out. Then waste my life playing them for a couple of months before rejoining society

    • #43582

      Good luck with finishing up the game, Parrotbait.

      Haven’t played CM in years but your promotional activities has inspired me to check it out!

    • #43592

      We’re in(and have been since Christmas) crunch time at BGS[/quote:e980fbc8cd]

      and for championship manager? why the crunch? where’s the risk?

    • #43594

      We’re in(and have been since Christmas) crunch time at BGS[/quote:a5bc5ea8de]

      and for championship manager? why the crunch? where’s the risk?[/quote:a5bc5ea8de]

      Why do people look down on Champ Man as a game? It’s still software development, still game development. Its a different beast for sure but still has much the same risk as any game/piece of software being developed.

      Instead of the usual 12 month cycle the studio have been allowed to have a longer 18 month dev cycle to get a lot sorted out and more features into the game. However all these new features and code changes have caused it to become buggy and unstable. We were crunching to get rid of as many bugs as possible and stabilising the code base. Something quite interesting happened in the studio during this time that I can’t talk about right now, maybe in a month or so but I’m very happy it happened and gave me some faith in the games industry.

      Also the change from a 2D to 3D engine is quite a big step along with a major UI revamp which given the game relies on UI so much, this was no small task.

    • #43597

      Pretty obvious where the risk is Omen?
      CM is trying to compete with Football Manager which takes a huge percentage of CM’s sales of late. Its clear if you wanna compete in this market you gotta have some innovations over the competition. It seems from the screen shots ye do alot of match play out/simulation right? that i reckon probably take bit of time. Also I like this internet/blog kind UI system ye got going to create the atmosphere.

      By interesting do you mean the the studio is now going to be part of Square Enix as they are making the move to purchase Eidos? lol.. Could be making final fantasy games for the west soon ;) lol..

    • #43600

      No its nothing to do with the proposed takeover, which will indeed be interesting in its own right. What I found interesting is how the studio reacted to the crunch and how development practices changed, for the better :)

      People were putting in a lot of hours and it was felt that it was causing more harm than good and basically it was decided to reduce the number of hours being done by programmers. As it has been my first title, the crunch was something that I expected and felt that its something that was part and parcel of a release but I like the way its going here.

    • #43602

      Interesting people should complain about crunch these days? I would have thought with the current wake of the economy people would be slightly more flexible on the crunch in at least they have job to go crunch at and if deadlines werent met that this job could disappear, regardless of whether its a games job.

      As for being prepared for crunch in you new games job, i dont think you’d have found it any better in any other i.t. job. I’ve got lots of mates in various i.t. sectors across the board and they all report the same thing these days, the ones that are surviving the cut-backs are the ones getting the head down and doing what it takes to develop/ship a successful product.

    • #43605
    • #43607

      Peter…is wasn’t me that questioned the risk, that was gus.

      As for complaining about crunch…yeah. Why the hell would the current climate suddenly make working long hours for no extra pay something that fine when it wasn’t 6 months ago. The so-called credit crunch doesn’t suddenlt justify it and anyone who thinks it does is kidding themselves and letting the industry fall back to the state it was before EA Spouse. Come on people, its all about being treated with respect and the time you put it should be respected and rewarded.
      I’ve just come out of a crunch period and there are limits as to what I’ll do when in crunch, my standards haven’t changed one bit from this time last year.

    • #43608

      Looks like your release is no longer in April? Even more crunch, sorry dude :(


    • #44374

      Well I’m back again

      We’re releasing in September so as you can imagine we’re deep in crunch again :)
      This time round however we’re looking a lot better, got a lot of major bug fixes in and fixed/polished all our new features along with including a new big one
      Season Live.

      Have some more screenies to share, the ones at the top are a bit dated now but the ones nearer the bottom are close to what the game looks like at the moment.

      Just for reference, our UI has radically changed which for a game like ours is quite a big job. See the screenshots from the previous version of the game in 2007.

      Getting excited now, hype in media is building and we’re all in bug-fixing mode. Game is playing really well and release is approaching – hope it isn’t one giant anti-climax!

    • #44375

      Should really rename this thread to CM10 as we’ve just skipped CM09 and gone straight to 10

    • #44378

      nice, always good to get your first title out.

      What aspect of the game are you doing? UI?

    • #44380

      Yep on the front end team. It’s a great place to start to get your hands dirty with every part of the game and has the most impact out of all the teams at the studio. Have pretty much created the entire match day UI which was a nice responsibility as a new-starter straight from college!

    • #44467

      You’re going to hear a bit more about this….we’ve just announced that the game is going to be sold for as little as 1p.


      It’s a bold move I admit but we’re trying to reach as many people as possible with this release.

    • #44468

      This is very interesting, will watch this one closely

    • #44469

      Well it’s getting us a bit of press anyway. So far it has been picked up by:



      The Sun

      I’m sure there are a few more I haven’t seen yet :)

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