Home Forums Education, Training and Jobs ICGS Feb 2012 Results

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    • #8367
      Jamie Mc

      Hi everyone,

      Very general information will be released every couple of weeks to update the count for the games industry in Ireland. This is for the Irish Computer Games Survey (ICGS)

      Please help us to get an accurate count of the number of people working in the industry for February 2012. If you can help by tweeting, emailing, or the old fashioned way of giving someone the link, please do!

      We know there are tons more than the six in the first update, so please fill it in for your company.The survey is available at http://tinyurl.com/irishgamesindustrysurvey

      Update 1:

    • #48135
      Aphra K


      Yes there are at least 40 companies I would say so lets keep pushing this.

      thanks Jamie for your work on this


    • #48138
      Jamie Mc

      A few more came in yesterday

    • #48139
      Aphra K

      the governments spatial strategy is working well..


    • #48140

      I wonder what the user count is for this site?

      We could probably match it that way.

    • #48141

      Wow great idea!

    • #48143
      Jamie Mc

      Hi again,

      I got another three more, so the update is below. Also, considering we all know that Dublin will have tons more than everywhere else, I’m going to change that graph to show the number of counties where the industry is active, and maybe leave that till the end.

      Anyway, keep spreading the word, if we can get a couple of companies doing it every day, then it’s only going to take a couple of weeks for us to have a pretty decent estimate as to the size of the industry. Also, if you are from the North, or are an Irish team abroad, please fill in the survey and let us know what countries, as opposed to county, you’re in.

    • #48165
      Jamie Mc

      We have some more respondants, but i’d like to get a few more before updating the results.

      Please continue to help spreading the word about http://tinyurl.com/irishgamesindustrysurvey



    • #48177
      Aphra K

      So the news about job losses at Activision Blizzard is disappointing

      see http://www.thejournal.ie/gaming-company-blizzard-to-cut-200-jobs-in-cork-370105-Mar2012/


    • #48180
      Jamie Mc

      I’ve updated this given the unfortunate announcement today (but included the 880 figure as it’s february we’re counting)

      I’ve also gone through some of the IDA press releases and put in announced jobs for some companies. But we’re getting lots of smaller developers so please keep going!

    • #48181

      Hi Jamie,
      It would be interesting if you could show a breakdown of where these jobs lie, department-wise…what is the breakdown of dev / localiastion / support / etc?

    • #48185
      Jamie Mc

      We can get a pretty decent idea of that when we have the data, i’ve found 45 companies so far, and we’ve gotten a few more respondants (thanks :) ) in the meantime.

      but here’s the latest update

    • #48204
      Jamie Mc

      bump, come on we need more of you :)

    • #48252
      Jamie Mc

      Hi everyone,

      We got a few more in from some new counties.

      Very general information will be released every couple of weeks to update the count for the games industry in Ireland.

      Please help us to get an accurate count of the number of people working in the industry for February 2012. If you can help by tweeting, emailing, or the old fashioned way of giving someone the link, texting it to them, or sitting them down with it on your smartphone in the pub and making them do it :) .

      We know there are tons more than the twenty five in the sixth update, so please fill it in for your company. The survey is available at http://tinyurl.com/irishgamesindustrysurvey

    • #48271
      Jamie Mc

    • #48333
      Jamie Mc

      Hi everyone,

      I have set up http://irishgamessurvey.wordpress.com/ so I don’t have to keep spamming the forums.



    • #48338
      Aphra K

      we don’t mind you spamming us with this type of data.


    • #48339
      Jamie Mc

      i know, but there’s only so much i can do. I’ll still be doing all the announcements on the forums first though, and then the blog, but as i’m somewhat restricted with bbcode, wordpress will have a lot of the detail.


    • #48343
      Jamie Mc

      We got a big burst of new participants today (thanks everyone), so I am happy to update the figures. Also, we got clarification on one or two of our estimates.

      As a lot of companies don’t break down their figures into full/ part time etc, i’ve reverted back to the overall amount. Also, Silicon Republic posted this http://www.siliconrepublic.com/new-media/item/26589-211m-spent-locally-on/

    • #48344

      Hi Jamie,

      Not wanting to sound too negative but a pie chart that represents each piece as an equal quantity regardless of size is pretty uninformative. Knowing the actual distribution of games studios would be more interesting- ie. how much bigger is dublin compared to cork, etc.

      Also I don’t know how the response has been but it would be interesting to see a breakdown between the different roles- ie. there are 2416 jobs in Ireland but how many are customer support and localisation compared to art and design.

      Not sure if your planning to do this analysis but from what’s posted here it’s not saying much about industry specifics.

    • #48347
      Jamie Mc

      Hi Johnny,

      At the end of the survey, all of this information and more will be released in the results. We’re just keeping track of the responses at the moment, but it’s about 80% Dublin so far.

      These figures are just a running total of respondants and the overall number of jobs until then.

    • #48358
      Jamie Mc

      We got another couple of companies in, some new and some which clarified estimates, so find the results below.

    • #48368
      Jamie Mc

      bump, we’re up to forty respondants now and over 2.5k jobs, but there’s still more to go.

    • #48427
      Jamie Mc

      Here’s the latest update

    • #48433
      Aphra K

      well it is creeping up.

      I think we will have a much greater number of companies than in 2009 and probably some increase in overall employment.

      everyone on the boards needs to get everyone they know in the industry in Ireland esp. to fill this out as nobody seems to have a complete database of companies – so word of mouth it is people.


    • #48513
      Jamie Mc

      I’m not going to update the results yet, but i’m up to 45 respondants now. I’ve spent the last while collating all of the companies involved in games here in Ireland, and i know it’s still incomplete, but pretty large and growing. I so far count 80 companies involved with games in ireland, but some of these i’m not sure if they’re still running or not, so i think 70 is a closer number.

      They come from these counties

    • #48526
      Jamie Mc

      bump, we still need more respondants!

    • #48550
      Jamie Mc

      Hi all,

      Ok, I’ve had a lot of time over the weekend to try and draw this survey to a close, and I think i’ve a pretty comprehensive picture of the state of the entire industry in all of its forms in Ireland.

      I have gone through all the companies, plus the ones found through various forums and am putting in very conservative estimates for those I could not contact directly. I have many in as one or two employees, and some of the larger companies I’ve taken pretty low estimates too.

      But now, I am come to the point where I can see the size and scale of the industry, and i’d say the figures will be even higher if we can get some of these clarified.

      So dun dun dun… In February 2012 it seems the the Irish (North and South) Games Industry is this:

      So 117% growth in three years!

      I’ll start preparing a report now and aim to publish it at the end of the month, going into detail of jobs by sector, the sectors, types of companies etc.

      Thanks a million to everyone who has participated, and for those who helped me along the way!



    • #48720
      Jamie Mc

      Hi all,

      Now I have some time to start going through the results properly, here are some early findings I can share.

      So what platforms are people developing for?

    • #48722
      Aphra K

      so in development we have ios followed by PC and then facebook – more PC than I had thought.


      FYI Jamie – the blues are hard to tell apart in the development pie chart – maybe try a few other colours in it.

    • #48730

      Yep, what Aphra said. Yellow is your friend! Thanks for this Jamie, but it needs more colours :)

    • #48733
      Aphra K

      Jamie and I had a chat about this yesterday. We will write it up for gd.ie and produce a longer report too and circulate.

      Probably end of the summer though so there is still time for companies to provide their total employment information.


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