Home Forums The Graveyard Dare 06 Introductions

  • This topic has 11 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Author
    • #5360

      So that everyone knows who everyone else is. Particularly to send questions in the right direction.

    • #31919

      John Molloy
      Team lead/lead designer/ business

      At the moment I’m handling the project planning, and preparing to do a draft of the marketing before we set off. In Abertay I’ll be keeping an eye on progress, doing the QA & marketing and lending a hand to everyone as needed.

    • #31924


      Peter Blackburn
      Core Technology Programmer,
      Sega Driving Studio.

      (And apparently AI consultant to ye, if ye need it :) )

      Degree\msc in computer science out of u.c.c. Specialised in ai for computer games at post grad level. Currently, working on Sega Rally Revo.

    • #31925
      Aphra K

      hi all,

      Aphra here, lecturer in media, science and technology, research methods at NUI Maynooth, content person on gd.ie, have done quite a bit of research on the games industry and game players.

      May be able to help with business and/or user stuff if you need..

      otherwise..moral support!

      best of luck…

    • #31950
    • #31959

      Hi All,

      Im Aaron Collum, Lead modeller & Animator.

      Really great to have you all on board for support over the upcoming weeks. Really looking forward to working with everyone and working on something we’ve all invested heavily in.

      -> Go Team!

    • #31964

      Austin Purcell here, team Texture and Environment Artist. Same backgroud as Aaron and John (course wise) but with mine leaning more towards 3d/2d artist work.

      Really excitied to have the GD.ie team behind us.


    • #31981

      Pete Mc Nally here, Lead Artist at a certain Muff based company. I’ll be your guide to all things arty. With me ragdoll limbs, me normal mapped smile and me animated quiff I hope to be able to answer any questions ye may have about poly jockying or pixel pushing.

    • #31986

      Steve Collins here – hope I can be of some use. Havok founder and currently lecturing and researching in Trinity College. I’ll try to monitor this forum as often as possible, but feel free to ping me directly also (steven dot collins at cs dot tcd dot ie).

      Should be able to help with most technology topics (particuarly physics and graphics), but also business and presentation issues.


    • #31989

      Tony here. I’m Senior Producer with Nephin Games in Galway. Have been a designer and producer/project manager of one sort or another for 10+ years, last 4 in games. I used to work with Pete (and his wonderful ‘animated quiff’) in Torc and still work with both Steve and Aphra in the IGDA

      I can help you wout with any project management/general production stuff, as well as any business/marketing/pitching or design type stuff. I check these forums about twice a day or you can get me at:- tonykelly2 AT gmail.com


    • #32264


      I’m Brian Lelas. Level Designer and Story Writer, plus the named Audio Guy, despite the fact that that job is very much a SHARED one…

      Along with John, I was working on “The Eventful Afterlife of Inspector Browning” from day one back in the college and am responsible for a few of the dodgy name choices…

    • #32719

      Posting here so everyone gets notification,

      Check the new invites thread in this forum, and reply either way (cos otherwise I’ll be trying to get in touch so that you don’t miss out)

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