Interesting if slightly unrealistic article…,39029432,49276362,00.htm
It does raise one slightly interesting point..
Consider this: the Mac Mini currently retails for not much more than the forthcoming Sony PlayStation 3 will. The Mac Mini can play high-definition video, edit music and photographs, surf the Web, word process and edit video — things no console can currently do well, if at all. The Mini also runs Apple’s extremely robust OS X operating system. What if the Mini could also play Nintendo games? And not just play Nintendo games, but play Nintendo games specifically tailored to the strengths of the Mac Mini’s hardware? Would Apple have a viable console on its hands? And if so, could it penetrate the mainstream consumer market with Macintosh computers in a way that has constantly eluded it in the past?[/quote:fa3dc12fa6]
Like I said…interesting.
Also, I never heard ANYTHING about that “Bandai Pippin”. Looks bloody woeful though. :D