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    • #2772

      A group of us is pulling together a game idea for a competition that is run in Scotland where we develop a game over the summer with the long term game of usign this game as a stepping step to creating our own business. The application is due on Friday.

      What I need to develop more is the market research side of things. Does anyone know where I can find some solid figures for game sales?

      I can only find current game charts at http://www.elspa.com, but nothing to do with sales. I am looking for sale figures of games that were released within the last few years.

      I heard before that there is information of this sort to be found on the Lexis-Nexis site:

      but I haven’t been able to access that site as I don’t have a username and password and don’t see a way to register for one.

      Can anyone point me in the direction to find this information??


    • #9158
      Aphra K

      Hi Omen,

      well the DTI report I mentioned elsewhere in the forums says the most comprehensive UK data is Chart-Track data..heavily discounted to ELSPA members… so if you can find one..

      They state there is no global market data..but they mention the following as country/region specific sources of info – GfK for the UK/Europe and the CESA white paper for Japan and NPD for the US.

      Full report on the competitiveness of the UK games industry from the Department of Trade and Industry website..

      What is the competition being run in Scotland?


    • #9160

      Thanks Aphra,
      I know of chart-tracker but unfortunatelly I don’t know anyone who has access to it.
      Am still trawling the web finding snip-bits here and there.

      The competition is called “Dare To Be Digital”. It is funded by University of Abertay Dundee, Scottish Enterprise Tayside and Dundee City Council and sponsored by VIS Entertainment, BBC Scotland, Henderson Loggie (Chartered Accountants) and NCR.
      It runs for 10 weeks in the summer where teams get the opportunity to compete in creating either a game (on any platform), a CD/WWW-based service/product (or edutainment) or an animation.

      More information can be found on this can be found at:

      It is run every year and you do not need to be a student from this university to enter.


    • #9161
      Aphra K

      it seems you have to be in Scotland though!!..interesting idea….

      what are the IC-CAVE people up to over there these days?


    • #9162

      Well, the competition is run here, so you use the facilities of abertay university and the university staff are around to help out.

      One of my lecturers is the Research & Business Development Manager of IC-CAVE and have been told of the type of work they do and checked out their facilities. I don’t know of any specifics that they are working on at present other than what is up on their web-site. If I wish to continue my studys to do a masters, I can try choose something to do my dissertation on working in conjunction on an IC-CAVE project.


    • #9165

      Finished off my application.
      For anyone looking for this market research info, without looking to pay to get it from chart-tracker, you can find a lot of info by looking through Press Releases from companies, especially when it concerns a sequel to the game you are looking for.


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