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    • #3561

      After Lewis Boadle entertaining my rantings about FF xi, i came across this, an article concerning the addivitive and other such qualities of the MMO genre, and now I’d like to quote a few lines from a recent article written by Tim Guest, the author of My Life in Orange. The article in question concerns MMORPG’s In Korea, The Lineage series.

      “He has a tired look in his eye, and it’s no wonder: ruling the world takes between 10 and 20 hours a day”

      The above is the introduction to the article, the very minute I read it I was hooked. Imagine, spending that lenght of time each and evry day of the calendar year in an online enviornment!

      “Kyu Nam Choi, the most successful MMORPG player in Korea was more modest. He wouldn’t even let me take his photograph. But perhaps there’s more to that than modesty”

      Indeed it would turn out that Tim Guest was right, for Choi’s reason for not having his photo taken relates to the fact that asassination is an all to ‘real’ possibility. The fact that some players take the game so seriously is scary, what is even more terrifying is the exsistence of ‘Cyber Police’ that monitor MMO games in Korea, because there have already been cases of real life PVP.

      ” I asked one last question. If he had to pick between the real world and the game world which would he choose? He closed his eyes. “in real life even though I own my own buisness, I am just an ordinary person, In the game life I rule the world”, there is a long pause…He opened his eyes.”Ichoose the game” ”

      Some do ave ’em, thats all i can say.

      Read the full article in Edge issue 143.

    • #15555

      But can he nail a perfect headshot with a deagle from 400 yards on de_dust2? i dont think so

    • #15562

      He is obviously completely and utterly insane. Its strange for people to get so into a game that they would be willing to physically harm people in the real world in order to increase their chances of success in the game world. A classic case of the lines between real world and virtual world being blurred in the minds of mentally unstable people.

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