Home Forums General Discussion MN-740 Wireless adapter

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    • #2914

      I got an xbox last Christmas… this Christmas have got xbox live starter kit and signed up for IOL Broadband (now up a running).

      My main problem is I’m not sure how to get it all connected so it will work.

      My computer and ADSL modem is up stairs in one of the spare bedrooms. My 28″ widescreen TV is down stairs in the lounge. I have been looking for an XBOX WIRELESS ADAPTER MN-740 but can’t find one.

      I thought it would simply be a case of plugging xbox adapter into the modem some how and the other bit into the xbox downstairs and away we go!!!!

      Would it be that simple ……. IF I CAN FIND A MN-740 WIRELESS ADAPTER?

      Any help gratefully received


    • #10230
      Jamie Mc

      Right, this I can help you with and it sounds like a pain in the a*** to get hooked up, but once you do it’s fine.

      Firstly check out http://www.xbox.com/en-ie/live/start/connect/

      It’ll tell you how to do it there. The PC version basically means get a network card, loads of twisted (not straight) network cable, share your DSL connection using Internet Connection sharing in Windows and you’re away. Takes a while to get set up, and you have to connect to Esat via your PC every time you want to go online, but plays perfectly.

      Also check out these games:

      Project Gotham Racing – Excellent
      Counterstrike – OK but nothing new
      Links 2004 – It’s golf, I hate golf but I love it
      Mechassault – Good but full of American kids.

      Anything else, reply and I’ll help, anyone else my gamertag is Jamie Duffman if you want to add me as a friend.


    • #10231

      What I would really like to do, is be able to use PC LAPTOP and XBOX networked anywhere in the house. (hope I explained that properly)

      At the moment my PC and ADSL Modem are in one room and the xbox will be in another. I would like to get the laptop networked as well just to round it all off.

      I guess I will need one of these

      but what else will I need?


    • #10232

      Would I need one of these and one of these


    • #10233
      Jamie Mc

      What I would really like to do, is be able to use PC LAPTOP and XBOX networked anywhere in the house. (hope I explained that properly)

      At the moment my PC and ADSL Modem are in one room and the xbox will be in another. I would like to get the laptop networked as well just to round it all off.

      I guess I will need one of these

      but what else will I need?


      That makes sense. Ok, well if you want to get a network with three devices going you need to get a hub set up. If you’re going through a hub then the RJ45 straight cable is what you need. You can pick up an 8 port hub cheap and just check out google for how to network it up, it’s fairly straightforward if you’re using anything above Windows ME.

      But if you just want to use the laptop you do exactly the same thing as with the PC, you need the network card though. But if you want to use it anywhere in the house, just check out if any of your mates are electricians and get them to network wire your house so you can just plug in in any room. Just think of your phone sockets, you’ll also have network ones. This may involve getting a cheap PC and using it as a network server though.


    • #10236

      Thanks Jamie,

      Having thought about it, I wouldn’t be to bothered about networking, but just the broadband connection made available to all three, Pc,Laptop and Xbox.

      I have a phone socket in main bedroom and hall. My computer is in another bedroom, this is linked via extention lead to phone socket in main bedroom. It makes for a slightly slower connection I think.

      Can I set up a wireless connection from ADSL Modem in main bedroom with wireless link to Main PC, Laptop and xbox. All connecting to broadband via modem in bedroom (or hall)?


    • #10241

      Used to do Xbox Tech support (aargh) and official response was no support to wireless, if you have time it will work, but tech support will not even answer you if you say you are using wireless. They left Ireland anyway so things might have changed…

    • #10252

      I dunno if this is the sort of thing you have in mind.


      but if it is then http://www.ebay.co.uk is your best bet
      for finding one at a reasonable price.

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