Home Forums General Discussion need a search and compare application

  • This topic has 8 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #5801

      Here’s a question for you guys, where can I find an application that will search my harddrives (or anything else for that matter) and identify duplicate files?

      I’ve had some trouble recently and I’ve got partial recoveries of a few usb keys, harddrives, etc. all over the place. Ideally the results would list location and all the info you’d get if you listed a directory’s contents in detail mode.

      any ideas?

    • #35259

      write one?

      or alternatively use this

      google what a wonderess invention

    • #35260

      writing something like this is beyond me atm.

      As for google…. well i did try. Now to see if Brunel will actually let me download the thing

    • #35264

      Ace Utilities is the business for identifying duplicates


    • #35265

      I used no clone today, the trial version is limited to removing 30 files at a time. But the full version costs $80, which I figured wasn’t worth it for something I don’t reckon I’ll need to do too often.

      When it has identified duplicates and marks them for removal there are a few sort options, but there doesn’t seem to be a based on location option. So I couldn’t see a way to keep the most recent version of a project together if it happened to be using files with older dates.

      I’ll take a look at acelogix’s offering tomorrow

    • #35267

      You could just use plain old windows search…

      Use start/search ..
      dont enter any keywords and hit enter..
      It will list all files..
      sort them by name..
      ..and then just delete the version you dont want…

      Thats a bit of a longwinded technique i know… but you could use it in conjunction with whatever other software your using…

      tip*: if you type f* then windows will find all files starting with f, rather then all files containing f..

    • #35268

      I did try that before posting here, but there are many files with duplicate filenames, but not duplicate content. There is also duplicate content under alternative filenames. Particularly generated recovery names.

      Quite frankly I’ve gotten myself into a big mess by not doing backups to DVD often enough. I’ve just got to remember that bit of wisdom once I get this all cleaned up

    • #35270

      tip*: if you type f* then windows will find all files starting with f, rather then all files containing f..[/quote:9117a0637d]
      That’s a really useful tip there. Thanks, Barry!

    • #35273

      tip*: if you type f* then windows will find all files starting with f, rather then all files containing f..[/quote:f5d6754fa7]
      That’s a really useful tip there. Thanks, Barry![/quote:f5d6754fa7]

      You’ve never used the wildcard when searching windows? :shock:

      Can also be used for searching for specific file types *.gif

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