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    • #7197

      hi all,

      haven’t been on here for awhile… and not sure if this has been posted yet..


    • #43696

      I hear they are teaming up with the Phantom guys. This is going to be the future!

    • #43699

      Interesting – the connection speed seems to be the main barrier at this point in time.

      Well worth keeping an eye on.

    • #43700

      I think this article sums up what a lot of us are thinking:


    • #43701

      Sure, in 10 – 15 years something like this may well be a feature in some living rooms around the world but I can’t see it being a stand alone system. It’ll have to be built into some future version of the Xbox, Playstation or whatever. This way players can have the option go get some games, say Burnout which is past paced, on disc or digi-distribution and run it locally and other games that aren’t so intensive, say FIFA, they can play remotely. The beauty of this sort of system is that players have the flexibility of choosing when the streaming service will work for them, given their local conditions, and when it won’t.

      It will be interesting to see how Dave Perry’s rival to OnLive will approach things. At least he’s talking to ISPs from the start. I wish him luck dealing with Eircom :lol:

    • #43702

      I wish him luck dealing with Eircom [/quote:eb5160e725]
      Ha ha – so true!

      Perhaps they should consider starting off with games such as Peggle and not GTA VII or whatever :)


    • #43703

      Well, this would help :)

      I’m very skeptical about this announcement too, but the only real barrier to this working today is the costs involved. Give it a few years of Moore’s Law and increasing Internet speeds and eventually this set up will make economic sense.

      Actually, give it a few decades if you’re gonna get Eircom involved :lol:

    • #43704

      A network interpolation programmers dream/nightmare

      Your shot…no I’m not…yes you are….no I wasn’t….I just shot you….didn’t feel a thing…..I just shot you again…..sorry___I’M STILL RUNNING! :shock:

    • #43706

      i think the synchronization is the only part of the games that will improve, since the client nodes are all @ onlive, you can assume the physics model will be in synch.

      imho it sounds a much more promising model to just centralize the physics (cloud based physics with client side rendering) assuming there was enough processing to justify it?

      as for onlive, if (as i also suspect) they have badly mis-calculated, they are going to burn through a massive amount of money before they realise it.

    • #43707

      The Eurogamer pretty much sums the whole thing up in my opinion. I call vaporware to be honest, unless they dramatically scale back their offerings and ignore the current 720p @ 60fps for titles like Crysis, GTAIV and Burnout Paradise.

    • #43708

      I had wondered if this type of setup would be possible for mobile gaming. You could potentially have much better hardware than available on a phone for running your game, and just be using the screen and input on the phone to show/play the game.

    • #43711

      I am very skeptical of this with high res games and such but will wait until their beta to hear how good or bad it is going! Best thing I can see a use for this would be all of the old PC games (and others) and such that don’t want to work with newer systems with ease.

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