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  • This topic has 6 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 19 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #5017

      Can you tell me if you’ve gotta be a brilliant artist to make games ’cause I can draw but all my drawings look like a 6 year old did ’em. One more thing, could you hire an artist to develop and improve your drawings, please give me a buzz!!

      Another thing, have any of played The Suffering and felt they went completely overboard with the cursing granted it’s set in a prison and you’d expect that but it felt slightly overboard to me.

    • #29296

      Can you tell me if you’ve gotta be a brilliant artist to make games ’cause I can draw but all my drawings look like a 6 year old did ’em. One more thing, could you hire an artist to develop and improve your drawings, please give me a buzz!!

      Another thing, have any of played The Suffering and felt they went completely overboard with the cursing granted it’s set in a prison and you’d expect that but it felt slightly overboard to me.[/quote:8ef17f1176]

      firstly i would suspect if you want to be a gam artist your drawing would want to be better than a 6 year old ya. As for hiring someone to improve your drawing, then their not really your drawings anymore ;) for example if you were planning on building a portfolio of drawings then getting a pro to clean them up before you submit them for a job app etc, then this wouldnt be a faithful represenation of your skills.

      As for the suffering i havent played it but ive heard its a quality title.. cursing is always good in a game 8)

    • #29315

      Thanks for the advice, if i could post up some sketches it might give you a better idea of my ‘skill’

    • #29318

      From what I’ve seen there are 2 types of game artist. The first does all the crazy stuff that makes you think, wow I wish I could draw like that. And the second is an artist that does representative sketches to show ideas.

      Now I reckon you’d have to be in a pretty big company for them to afford to have someone doing one of those jobs exclusively, but what I’m trying to say is that as long as you can represent your ideas clearly, the apparent quality of your drawings won’t matter.

      For a good example see if you can get a copy of the making of the royal tenebaums, the director uses simple representative sketches very well there.

    • #29319

      Have you attempted 3d modelling or texture work? I know a few modellers who aren’t great traditional artists but are capable modellers, none of them had any problems in finding jobs.

    • #29377

      And the second is an artist that does representative sketches to show ideas.

      i suppose id really fit into that category. i recently had an idea that parodies survival horror games and i wanted to write a theme song, opening and closing, well when i say ‘write’ i mean take a recent song and rewrite it so it sounds funny. i was thinking about doing that to a james bond theme, what songs do any of you think might make a good parody song? give me a shout! by the way, if you’ve ever listened to dustin u might know what im on about.

    • #29457

      I’m a strong advocate of practice and hard work. so i reccommend you work harder. being your own greatest critic is a good thing, it will make you strive for perfection which is a must have quality in all forms of creativity.

      messing around a lot helps. also developing techniques such as skeletal frames, and learning off proportions. having a seperate sheet for roughwork ideas for your “concept art”. you can pick up a ton of ideas on drawing from books on drawing. I have a few, but they’re mainly on animation. I reccommend “animator’s survival kit” when you want to get into animation or to draw character’s with a bit of life/interacting with other objects. if you’re too cheap or cannot find the books, try a torrent.

      having a character look like a six year old drew it doesn’t realy matter, look at celda

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