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    • #3037


      For those of you who know me – I’m switching modes from fixing up the gamedevelopers.ie site to writing a game with my group for a final project in Multimedia.

      I’m looking for anyone who might offer advice about creating a game in Shockwave, we’re wondering about Shockwave 3D, Havok and various other methods we might use.

      We’ve got the gameplay sorted and the team consists of two graphics people, two programmers and an audio guy.

      Help from any volunteers would be appreciated, I can forward an email with our specific questions and a description of the project, or alternatively, I could set up an interview and “quote” your advice in our documentation (which would be really good!).

      Thanks in advance, reply to this post or email me at jplynch@esatclear.ie if you’d like to help.


    • #10881

      you might want to contact Jab directly – as he specialises in Shockwave games

    • #10889


      We do a lot of work in Shockwave here at Meedja and know Director and Lingo pretty much inside out. Give us a shout if you need any pointers.



    • #10900

      That sounds good, I’ll send an email during the week – thanks.


    • #10945

      Got some great advice from Peter – thanks, but one of the lads in the project group suggested I ask for some opinions.

      So, for the macromedia-based game developers out there, what would be your preference for a 2D game requiring sensor inptus via serial or midi, smooth vector animation and parallax scrolling?

      Flash & Director
      Director alone


      ann other suggestions of course, are welcome – but learning a new language is not an option unfortunately :)



      Looking forward to June 10th – hand up day!!!

    • #10946

      Just one addition

      You’ll find it easier to get director to talk to an external device over serial than you will FLash. Director is more or less built for that kind of installation/application approach whereas Flash is mostly browser orientated with few hooks to the client OS or hardware.


    • #10950

      You’ll find it easier to get director to talk to an external device over serial than you will FLash. Director is more or less built for that kind of installation/application approach whereas Flash is mostly browser orientated with few hooks to the client OS or hardware.[/quote:ba0f23101b]

      have to agree with Peter on that one… Flash is pretty limited outside of a browser

    • #11020

      Hi John,

      Shockwave 3D and Havok can be pretty powerful, as long as you know what not to do with them ( SW3D has relatively slow ray casting, which is used for a lot of game stuff like cameras, and you probably don’t want a lot of stacked objects in any physics engine, including Havok, etc ).

      If you are using Director, check out the Enhancer Xtra at…


      The developer is also bringing out an eSeller Xtra to allow for online purchases via eSellerate.

      The ability to have a web demo is great, and the above Xtras allow the stand-alone to be sold online.

      We’re using all of these for our Shockwave 3D game, 3D Stress Ball, which you can check out at the URL below ( download the full version )


      If you need any further help, let me know and hopefully I can offer some suggestions.


    • #11033

      Thanks Mal,

      To do it in 3D has kinda been ruled out because it’s going to involve large landscapes and stuff. We’re looking into several 2D techniques to achieve realistic movement, scrolling of large images (tiling) and parrallax scrolling to give it a bit of depth. It’s a top-down game so the parrallax stuff is important (clouds above, ground below).

      We’ve been looking at flash for the past week because we find it easier to structure code in it, it does math better, and we’ve found a way to give it sensor input.

      This week we’ll be looking into Director so I’ll check out the xtra’s you recommended and may post some more nagging enquiries here :)

      Thanks again.

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