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      Some networks blocking shows on Google TV

      Global Agenda Gold
      The decision to block the programs only seems to affect full-length episodes available on the Web sites of those companies, and it began in earnest this week, according to a source familiar with the situation. It does not affect the viewing of those shows through the broadcast TV part of Google TV, just the streaming of those shows to Google TV.

      Google declined to comment on the matter beyond a prepared statement.

      "We’re in the early phases of Google TV and already have strong partnerships with Best Buy, Logitech, and Sony, among others. We are excited about the opportunities our new platform creates for both established media companies like Turner and HBO, and tens of thousands of content creators large and small. Google TV enables access to all the Web content you already get today on your phone and PC, but it is ultimately the content owner’s choice to restrict their fans from accessing their content on the platform."
      Global Agenda credits
      Google TV is one of the more high-profile attempts in recent history by the tech industry to marry the PC-based Internet and the traditional television world. Logitech and Sony released devices running the software earlier this month, which allows users to watch regular old broadcast television while pulling up a series of Internet-based applications and Web sites.

      The idea is to give people something they’re familiar with–regular television–while introducing them to something new, video over the Internet. Several companies, such as TBS, have agreed to optimize their streaming-video Web sites for Google TV while others, such as NBC Universal, agreed to build applications for the software. NBC Universal’s CNBC division actually built one of the default applications that ships with the software.
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      However, the major networks appear skeptical. The WSJ reported that some networks, such as ABC, had expressed concern that Google wasn’t blocking access to search results that contain sites with pirated versions of their shows.

      Also, Hulu, a Web video joint venture owned by Disney (ABC), NBC, and News Corp. (Fox) is still blocking access from Google TV devices. Google and Hulu are said to be in talks for access to the Hulu Plus service, but clearly no deal has been reached.

    • #46947

      I think this puts piracy in focus. What if you developed a game only to discover that a pirated version of the game has appeared at the top of the google ranking lists?

      Whether its a TV show or a computer game, there has to be some measure of protection for the people who produced it. The major search engines are in a privileged position. They should have a responsibility when it comes to material they know is illegal.

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