Home Forums Soap Box The Darkness

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #6106


      one of the first sort of ‘bigger’ summer/autumn games came out the other day.

      I bought the Darkness yesterday, only got a chance to play it tonight.

      Kinda weird premise, it’s a new york gangster mob game but the lead character can grow sort of testicles born from darkness to aid him in his..well…killing everything that moves!

      This game looks gorgeous, even on my standard TV.
      The character models look great, and the voice work is really well thought out and works amazingly well. Added to this the gestures and stuff in the cut scenes to accompany the voice work really adds a nice touch.

      Only about 3 hours into it and it’s an awesome story.

      A bit easy but very enjoyable so far!

    • #37526

      The videos look nice alright – very gruesome executions too! I’ve heard the levels are all very samey though, are they?

    • #37559

      yeah it’s getting more violent as I go on! Well it’s based in manhatten so everything has a grimy sort of manhatten underground mob vibe, becasue he’s on the run from his uncle who put out a hit on him. But other then that, the levels are actually surprisingly expansive. Worth a purchase I think.

      Although I’m still getting used to playing an FPS with a controller, which is fun….sort of.

    • #37575

      Pretty good game, June 29th had a hell of alot releases.

      It’s good, the darkness powers are fun. Bits of it feel a small bit rushed, but overall the design is pretty good.
      I loved how you were watching To Kill a Mocking Bird on the TV with your girlfriend near the start of the game…
      The singleplayer is short, finished it a day on normal..

      Multiplayer seems to have been tacked on. The netcode is terrible, very laggy.

    • #37577

      They banned The Darkness is Singapore. When I first arrived here it was reckin’ my head when they were chopping movies up make sure the people didn’t see too much blood, but they recently brought in a rating system so that movies can screen untouched (somewhat). For games, seems to be getting out of hand too, http://www.gameaxis.com/home/?blog=1558 for more info. Maybe I should move back to Ireland eh…

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