Just a head’s up about the new VS2008. Its been officially released. Pulled down the pro version, through the MSDN Subscription Service, and have to say, its not as much of a head ache as I was expecting.
The "View Class Diagram" feature is pretty sweet, (although real programmers have their UML completed long before typing a line of code, right?)
The "View Class Diagram" feature is pretty sweet…[/quote:605d9e60ce]
Amen to that. Was playing around with it in work today and I was extremely impressed. Haven’t tested out most of the other features yet but it’s looking highly promising thus far.
Nice one, thanks jediboy. I really haven’t had that much look with diagram tools in the past. Having used Omnigraffle on a friends Mac and being amazed at how intuitive the UI was, I’ve always been frustrated by the over complicated array of buttons in the likes of Visio and Dia for Windows. Pity the Omni group have no plans to port any of their apps over. :(
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