Home Forums General Discussion What to Ban..Videogames or Parents?

  • This topic has 8 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #6132


      "Stuart was 11 or 12 when I bought him the PlayStation. For a long time I didn’t even realise games had age limits on them. We’d just buy him the game that all the other kids had. I didn’t really know what they were about. I think most parents are the same."[/quote:8e302b0e97]

      F*&king idiot…send her to jail for her stupidity

    • #37719

      Well, I dunno, that big label saying "Over 18s only" is it bit hard to understand.

    • #37720

      Typical NOTW article, full of crap. Oh and they’re kind enough to highlight and embolden all the important parts of the article. NOTW in a sensational rubbish article SHOCKER

    • #37722

      There were nutters* before videogames.

      So yeah….make sure you blame someone or something else though ok?

      *zomg!, thats right I am un-PC

    • #37723

      I’d say ban the parents for just being idiots! Where I’m working I try and discourage parents from letting their kids buy 18s games but they don’t seem to care…..but then they’ll blame the games for anything bad that the kid does…

      argh…..parents really do annoy me

    • #37724

      I’d say ban the parents for just being idiots! Where I’m working I try and discourage parents from letting their kids buy 18s games but they don’t seem to care…..but then they’ll blame the games for anything bad that the kid does… [/quote:c0b8248523]

      Nobody wants to admit they might be or be told that they are a bad parent so in these situations it will just go on and on like that, looking to place blame else where.

      Embed kids with chips from birth so that anything they go near that’s not age appropriate zaps them, or give them Total Recall style collars.

      "Woohoo, GTA Fo…" Kabbbbbbbbbbbbbooooooom!

    • #37725

      Embed kids with chips from birth so that anything they go near that’s not age appropriate zaps them, or give them Total Recall style collars.

      "Woohoo, GTA Fo…" Kabbbbbbbbbbbbbooooooom![/quote:c157f7476a]

      Ha yeah that’d be great….cept for all the cleaning up afterwards….there’s always a downside!

    • #37726

      Embed kids with chips from birth so that anything they go near that’s not age appropriate zaps them, or give them Total Recall style collars.[/quote:ab6cc75544]

      I reckon embed the chips on the parents instead. :D

    • #37727

      I reckon embed the chips on the parents instead. Very Happy[/quote:79560ae157]

      Either way is good by me, as long as it happens in slow motion and zooms out to a mushroom cloud :lol:

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