While software viruses are nothing new, Corrupted Blood is unique in that it’s the first such infection ever to spread through a virtual environment without being deployed by malicious intent. It was, in a certain sense, naturally occuring in its environment. You might even say it evolved and sought self-propagation, just as any lifeform would do.[/quote:d08311ac07]
Or the programmer who wrote it, did some shoddy coding….
Yea its all over any of the servers i play on, can’t go to any high level dungeons without getting infected, i’ve seen it in a few of the bigger cities as well in the last few days up til then it had been confined in the dungeons. Oh and its lethal to all, kills low level players instantly lol.
Heard about this, what’s the craic with it? was it deliberatly introduced by the developers or is it a mod or what. Haven’t tried any mmos yet, lack of a home net connection and fear of it eating up all my free time have put me off a bit.