Home Forums Creative Content xact

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 19 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #4720


      just wondering does anyone have any info on XACT. is it similar to EAX. and in order to use such tools would the user have be able to understand code for tweaking etc.

      any help would be great!

    • #26829

      i can remember asking about this ages ago too.. Xbox Audio Creation Tool

      you need to be with a registered xbox dev to avail of the tools..

      i think they allow in game audition of the material and have some sort of proprietary compression technique

      more than that i’m not sure

      love to get my hands on it :D

    • #26834

      ah i see.

      dermy mentioned before about EAX. how hard is it to get your hands on this. i see the application form is quite long from creative labs.

      just looking into few things at the moment.

    • #26835

      don’t know much about it, but what about openAL

    • #26836

      I’ve been beta testing the latest incarnation of XACT 2.0 for a while now as they are releasing it for the PC, but due to a rather stringent license agreement i can’t say too much about it.

      It tries to remove the need for programmers from the audio implementation, so the need for any coding knowledge is nil.

      They use ADPCM compression for sounds which isn’t proprietary to XACT, but they do use the microsoft ADPCM which has the ext. .wav. It does some weird compression that encodes at 4-bit- its not as bad as it sounds, its fairly decent- all xbox games use it.

      EAX is creative’s hardware accelerated DSP effects as found on the sound blaster range of sound cards, where XACT is an ”engine/ authoring tool” that currently (for xbox) allows access to xbox’s onboard DSP chip to create those I3DL2 reverbs and filtering etc. (looks like they have removed this chip from the 360 actually)

      and just to complicate things… ISACT (Interactive Spatialized Audio Composition Technology) is creative’s new tool that allows you to interface with EAX effects and environments much more intuitively than before.

      Fmod has some new authoring tools too something similar to XACT, worth a testing.

    • #26838

      dermy mentioned before about EAX. how hard is it to get your hands on this. i see the application form is quite long from creative labs.

      The application is a bit tedious and they are known to be tight with who they let onto the program, so if you do apply make sure you put foward a good, solid application.

      Also, i forgot to say earlier, if you are a GANG member, there is a fair bit of stuff on the site about XACT, including a downloadable mp3 of a talk by Scott Selfron on XACT technology with audio examples.

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